How to Build a Blog Website Using HTML, CSS, Host it on GitHub, and Deploy it to Vercel

Illustration on building a blog website
Fig: Building and Deploying a Blog Website

Step 1: Set Up Your Development Environment

Before we start, ensure you have the following tools:

Step 2: Create Your Blog Website

1. Structure Your Website with HTML

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) forms the backbone of your blog. Here’s an example of a basic blog structure:

CSS Styling Example 1

2. Style Your Blog with CSS

Create a style.css file to make your blog look appealing. Here’s some basic styling:

CSS Styling Example 1

Step 3: Host Your Blog on GitHub

1. Create a GitHub Repository

Log in to your GitHub account and follow these steps:

2. Upload Your Files

You can upload your files in two ways:

Step 4: Deploy Your Blog on Vercel

Follow these steps to deploy your blog:

With these steps, you can successfully build, host, and deploy your blog website!